Are you interested in attending another G+T Parents meeting?

Monday, March 3, 2008

Support Group

Thanks, Kevin, for taking the initiative to create a group and for setting this up. I would like to see if there is interest in creating a "G/T Support Group" at Meridian, similar to the one the district invited us to but only a few could get in. I know there were a couple parents who have been attending the District's group, and it sounds like it's basically a chance to share stories and have discussions based on the book "Guiding the Gifted Child." I wonder how feasible it would be to do this on our own, kind-of like a book discussion group? Those of you who have attended the District group, does this seem like it would work based on your experiences? Do you think we would need a leader, or could we just all read a chapter (or 2 or 3) and get together? I'm just brainstorming ideas, but I do know I was so disappointed not to have this opportunity NOW. I have the letter from the district invite, with the session topics, and we could basically follow that guideline. I'm not sure I'm able to be much of a leader or organizer, but I'm throwing the idea out there in case anyone is interested. If so, let's at-least arrange a meeting to get together and make a plan. - Sarah Bender (son, Adam, in 4th)


Emily Hendrix said...

I am currently attending one of the district GT groups. From reading and experiencing the group, I think that it is best to have someone with professional experience to guide the discussions. The book is meant for discussions led in this way.

The book is available on for $17.95.

I wonder how we might go about finding someone to lead the group...

Sarah Bender said...

Emily...could you ask at your next meeting if the leader might be willing to take on our group and find out how much she/he would charge? We could charge to attend or look in to MAYBE some support from PTO. Or ask if he/she can refer us to someone? Can the people attending the other group (elementary) do the same? Just pursuing avenues...

Jim and Diane Sandstrum said...

Do you think it would be useful to write a letter to the district, with signatures from all interested parents (it seemed that most parents were interested), basically petitioning for them to offer more classes, and/or to come out and lead our group?
Diane Sandstrum

photojen said...

hi all-
i just did a quick search and found a woman who teaches the "guiding the gifted child" course in westminster. i have just left her a msg. re: potentially leading our group. you can check her out at:
she seems to have quite a bit of experience in the g/t world, so maybe she could also act as our own "consultant." i'll keep you posted...
jenifer harrington (son= brendan, k)

photojen said...

hi again-
i heard back from seana malone, and she would be interested in leading a class for us. i haven't gotten too many details, yet, but i am curious who would be up for attending a 6-8 week class for 1-1 1/2 hrs per session?

also, just wanted to make sure everyone had access to the meridian concerned parents group, too. sadly, we may need to secure our kids place in school first, as well as go to bat for the g/t curriculum.

Sarah Bender said...

Thanks for pursuing this, Jenifer! I would definitely be interested, and would be willing to pay, within reason. I assume she'll charge a fee? Do you know how much? We'd need to tackle that obstacle. But put me down as "in." - Sarah

Jim and Diane Sandstrum said...

Jennifer -
We are definitely interested in the class as well. Thanks for checking into this!
Diane and Jim Sandstrum

Kevin Kelly said...

We are interested in some follow up discussions and learning more about the support group.

My impression is that we (as Meridian G+T Parents) have 2 big things to address:

1. How do we all work together to better understand our kids and provide support to eachother.

2. How do we effect positive change at Meridian so our kids can be challenged and flourish in our neighborhood school.

I think that this group can accomplish both.

Julie Solomon said...

We would be interested in the class also.