Are you interested in attending another G+T Parents meeting?

Friday, February 29, 2008

Invites to join blog sent to Feb 26 Attendees

If you were on the sign in list from the meeting on February 26, you should recieve an invite to become an author on the Meridian GT Blog. This means that you will be able to create blog posts and make comments on posts.

For now this blog will be viewable by the public but only members (aka authors) will be able to create blog posts and add comments.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me @

I will probably hold off on replying to each question and instead I will wait a few days and send a general reply to a group of questions.

Best regards,

Kevin Kelly

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Announcing the Meridian Elementary Gifted and Talented Blog

Welcome to a new blog dedicated to promoting and furthering the programs for Gifted and Talented Students at Meridian Elementary in Broomfield, CO.

I hope that this will become a valuable resource for the children, parents, teachers and administrators that would like to see the Gifted and Talented program at Meridian take off.

My name is Kevin Kelly and together with my wife Kristen and children Sophie (3rd grade) and Reese (2nd grade) we hope to be a part of positive change!

I am sure there a lot of ideas for how we can share information and increase visibility by using this blog. I am making this initial post just to make contact with everyone that attended the meeting at Meridian on Tuesday, February 26 and to initiate what could be a great resource for all of us.